About Inclusive Wellness
Launching in late March, this health and wellness program will address mental health, physical activity, nutrition, financial wellness, and social inclusion, more than doubling the number of individuals we can serve.
If you are interested in joining Inclusive Wellness, please contact your SSA and email Colton Mehlman by clicking the button below.

Inclusive Wellness is a day habilitation program that focuses on health and wellness. We recognize that health and wellness are not luxuries but fundamental rights for every individual, regardless of ability. As we delve into the depths of this program, it became apparent that the need for a tailored, comprehensive health and wellness program for individuals with disabilities is not just a desire but an imperative for social progress. The program’s foundation rests on five crucial categories: Physical Education, Nutrition, Mental Health, Financial Wellness, and Social and Community Inclusion. This program provides clients with the resources, support, and opportunities they need to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives, and to become active, engaged members of our community.